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Listen to our Crete

Giorgos & Nikos Stratakis

Laini | Λαΐνι


A stunning, slimline girl is walking
caring a gold pitcher and is full of joy.

And it’s the water love that whoever tries it
becomes slave of the love until he grows old.

The girl came smiling and treated me
And she had gathered things for me inside the pitcher of love.

The glass of love was given full
And I drunk it down for the sake of a woman.

And after the girl had offered sadness and tortures
She brought me bliss and hopes that my mind couldn’t even imagine.

If you see a girl carrying a gold pitcher
Welcome her a thousand times in love’s fight.

Half of them go after her… some others pray for her..
But those who lust her, are waiting and crying…

She scatters and gives love… and anywhere she finds you with the pitcher..
she treats you and makes fun of you.. but she doesn’t care at all.

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