+30 2810327909 info@365-tours.gr

Our services

The 365 Tours team organizes and offers its clients a variety of services related to tourism and the organization of trips and excursions in Crete, Greece and abroad.

365 Tours

The 365 Tours team organizes and offers its clients a variety of services related to the tourism and the organization of trips and excursions in Crete, Greece and abroad.

Hiking excursions, Cultural and pilgrimage tours, cruises, hotel reservations, individual trips are some of the services you will find on this site.

Find the destination that suits you best.

**All our excursions and road trips are carried out with our proprietary, modern, comfortable, air-conditioned buses, and are accompanied by an experienced and responsible office partner.


Day and multi-day trips to Crete or Greece

One day excursions to Crete, Multi day excursions to Greece from Heraklion, Cruises to Crete and the rest of Greece.

Trust our office if you want to take a day or a multi-day trip to Crete or Greece. The 365 tours’ team is experienced, consistent and reliable in organizing road and boat trips. We guarantee you an unforgettable travel experience.

Organized Tours & Individual Travels Abroad.

Wander into the beauties of the world, meet magical places, live a cosmopolitan life and explore unknown ancient cultures. Visit imposing monuments, get to know unfamiliar cultures, capture idyllic images, and enjoy exotic destinations waiting to be discovered. Choose from our website the trip that suits you, recommended by the 365 Tours team.

Read more in Discover Guided Tours section.


Hiking Tourism

Crete is undoubtedly one of Europe’s most famous destinations. Its morphology and wild mountain beauty attract nature lovers and potential hikers from all over the world. If you would like to take part in a hiking excursion, in order to explore the unfamiliar and most difficult parts of our island, then contact us.  The 365 Tours team and our partners, always with respect and love for nature, can offer you an unforgettable and unique experience tailored to your tastes and requirements.


Thematic excursions

Religious Tourism

As you know, Greece has countless chapels and more than 200 monasteries, which are scattered all over its territory. The spiritual wealth of the Saints throughout Greece, bound together by both the Greek beauty and the culture and history of our country, are a powerful motivation for a pilgrimage trip. 365 Tours gives you the opportunity to fulfill many of these pilgrimages, as we organize such day, multi-day, road and ferry excursions from Heraklion quite often.

You can find out about them in the Discover Guided Tours section and in our facebook page.


School trips

Our team, fully aware of the requirements for a proper student excursion, in line with the Ministry of Education’s circulars and the requirements of students, teachers and parents, as well as the selection of reliable partners, guarantees a successful and safe school trip.

Trust our team’s experience and credibility, and travel safely.


Tours & Transfers

Organizing excursions & trips for Groups, Clubs, Parishes, Organizations.

Are you a group, club, parish or organization and interested in organizing a unique trip to Crete, Greece or abroad? Our Experienced Team can be your professional partner for organizing and implementing simple or demanding travel services. On our site, you will find everything about us and we are ready to organize the perfect trip for you.

Bus rental for schools, clubs etc, inside and outside of Crete

Our office has been active in transport for over 18 years, with our own buses, which meet all the specifications required by the current legislation, and all safety requirements for student mobility (KTEO, safety belts, experienced drivers, etc.).


Special Tours

Cruises by boat or sailing boat

Live the unique experience of a sea cruise, for you and your family or friends, on the coast of Crete and the island of Dia. Enjoy a water ride, sipping your drink, listening to soft music.

Have fun and swim with your friends on the most exotic beaches of Crete; accessible only by sea.

Jeep Safari Landrover in Crete

Agiofarago, Sarakina Gorge, Myrtos, Trypiti Beach, Lasithi, Katharo Plateau and countless other beautiful areas of Crete are amazing destinations for those who love wildlife and want to experience its uniqueness.

The exotic beaches and mountainous landscapes will take your breath away; memories that will remain deep in your memory forever.


Multi-Day Road trips, Cruise Tours in Crete and Greece, Organized Tours & Individual Trips Abroad.

Choose from our website the trip that suits you best, recommended by the 365 tours team.

Organizing excursions & trips

Excursions & trips for Groups, Clubs, Parishes and Organizations.

Are you a group, club, parish or organization and interested in organizing a unique trip to Crete, Greece or abroad? Our Experienced Team can be your professional partner for organizing and implementing simple or demanding travel services.

Thematic Tours

Pilgrimage Tourism, Hiking Tourism.

We can offer you an unforgettable and unique experience tailored to your tastes and requirements.


Bus rental for schools, clubs etc, inside and outside Crete.

Our office has been active in transport for over 18 years, with our own buses, which have all the specifications required by the current legislation, and meets all safety requirements.

School trips

For a successful and safe school trip.

We are fully aware of the requirements for a proper student excursion, according to the Ministry of Education’s circulars and the requirements of pupils, teachers and parents.

Cruises & Jeep Safari

Live the unique experience of a sea cruise, for you and your family or friends, on the coast of Crete or – for those who love wildlife and want to experience the special 4×4 adventure.

Plan the perfect trip with us!

Are you a school team, club, tourist agency, tourist agent or travel agency?